Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sprouts From The Tree of Life

2Cor 3:18. But we all, with open face be holding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

A Fall Shoot is one that is born out of time
Leaves have fallen to earth,
 trees are barren and dry..

Foretold promise  now springs forth in life

 Cool winds start their blowing
Dry leaves through the air
Senses wake to a fresh scent
Perfumed  sweet and rare

But why would one pick this time
My heart questions...
Why not in Spring when all others are blooming?
Why choose a time when the plantings are dying?
A time that can only be shortened by 

This is the season of newness in showing
My Sprout has been hidden from all others view
I've given the promise of it's re appearing
My Child look to earth, for the right time's drawing near. 

It was Paul who said that he was as one"born out of time".  Paul longed for this day that is now coming fast upon us.  We are being prepared for this "day".  It is important how we See!
We are called the "planting of the Lord,
that He may be glorified".  This is found in both Isaiah 60:21 and Isaiah 61:3.  

But, what is He saying here?

Let's look at the natural that we might see the supernatural.

Sprouts.  What is the sprout of a tree, and it's process?

A sprout is the seedling that results from an asexual means of reproduction, that produces a plant that is genetically identical to its par

We are the sons of God, born of Spirit, identical to Father, for He is Holy, and they, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One.  Identical

How then do we become the same?  By propagation.  

Plants have the amazing ability to duplicate all parts and functions of the parent plant.  By taking a leaf or stem and creating the right conditions, an entirely new plant comes forth.  

Yeshua ha Meschiah is the tree of life, and we being born of another nature, which is Holy, and spirit, or of no gender, we too are born of Him.

As we see our connection both in Him as heavenly, and realize our position on earth is not reality, but only temporary..we will become deeply rooted in Him, which as He said, His truth, way, life.   And this reality which is heavenly, will overtake that which is earthly...producing Him once again on this earth. us eyes of faith to see Son!

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We have been given all that we need To live godly lives in this world. His Spirit is greater than any evil But on whose flesh and blood w...