Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Door of Light

It's good to be a boulder in the Kingdom
One is stedfast, strong in their believing
Nothing moves one from their understanding
But, the door to this will age with paint now peeling.

There are levels in Gods Kingdom to explore
He is calling for us..Come! Here is the door!
Only One is keeper, changes never, Jesus
But, His doors are fresh, and never seen before.

Now ahead of me is this scene that He's shown me
It's a door that one cannot walk through but must fly through
For it's not of wood, or perishable things or earthly
It's a door of light, so bright, so clear..inviting.

I approach this door with trembling apprehension
Not of fear but I've never flown before
I have heard this message from my first beginning
He's preparing us to fly and to soar.

I don't have the wings of angels, or of creatures
who were made to skim the heavens  as they do
But, I trust that He'll be holding me so tightly
And I know each flight, He's flown them all before.

I rise up now, Spirit thrilled , I lift off
Things of earth are going  far below my sight
I look up and see Him smiling with great pleasure
For my trusting Him is always His delight.

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We have been given all that we need To live godly lives in this world. His Spirit is greater than any evil But on whose flesh and blood w...